Jun 10, 2012

Open the Eyes of my Heart

Had my eye surgery, Thank God for a Speedy Recovery

I remembered I wore the blue gown. Tied my hair into a pony tail and tucked it neatly into the surgery cap, stepped onto the surgery bench waiting for the doctor. I looked up to the white ceiling, uttered a prayer of assurance...then the nurses pulled over the surgery lights.

The main point isn't about how terrifying the experience was... This minor operation certainly knock some senses of a need to repent.

I was so caught up with my personal needs, I haven't taken the time to seek Him nor worship Him for what he has done. With my bandaged eye, and due to the anesthetic effect, the other eye has blurry vision as well, and AMAZING LOVE playing in the background....

"Take time to listen with your heart, not your eyes." 

I sat and cried.  Not because I felt pain in the eye, but at heart...

Break my heart for the things that break your heart, Lord.  Open my eyes to the rampant injustice in this world, give me a heart of compassion for those who are desperately in need....

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